sábado, 8 de maio de 2004

«Ministro da Ofensa»

É assim que o Detroit Free Press chama a Rumsfeld -- «Secretary of Offense» --, tirando partido da proximidade fonética, em inglês, entre “defense” e “offense”, e pedindo também a sua demissão.

«Donald Rumsfeld has to go. The secretary of Defense should tender his resignation to President George W. Bush, and if he doesn't, the president ought to fire him.
Neither step would absolve Bush of ultimate accountability as commander in chief for the outrageous treatment of prisoners that has eroded the moral high ground beneath U.S. forces in Iraq. But Rumsfeld's casual attitude toward human rights, his poor planning for the management of post-war Iraq, and his arrogance about American power make him a liability for the difficult task ahead of securing a new Iraqi democracy.»

(com o agradecimento a HM pelo link)