"The scandal at Abu Ghraib prison was first exposed not by a digital photograph but by a letter. In December 2003, a woman prisioner inside the jail west of Baghdad managed to smuggle out a note. Its contents were so shocking that, at first, Amal Kadham Swadi and the other Iraqi women lawyers who had been trying to gain access to the US jail found them hard to believe.Fui consultar arquivos, e dei com a notícia: há um mês, no dia 21 de Abril, pouco antes de rebentar o escândalo das torturas, a prisão de Abu Ghraib foi atacada com 18 tiros de morteiro. Morreram 22 e ficaram feridos 90 prisioneiros.
The note claimed that US guards had been raping women detainees, who were, and are, in a small minority at Abu Ghraib. Several of the women were now pregnant, it added. The women had been forced to strip naked in front of men, it said. The note urged the Iraqi resistance to bomb the jail to spare the women further shame."
Na altura fiquei perplexa com a "falta de pontaria", mas à luz desta notícia o puzzle vai ficando mais completo. O que estaria por trás desse ataque? Será que a resistência iraquiana queria pôr ponto final à desonra a que os prisioneiros eram sujeitos? Será que algum dia havemos de ver Rumsfeld dentro de um buraco, escondido como um rato, tentando fugir às suas responsabilidades?
De que falamos quando dizemos Democracia e Justiça ocidentais?»