segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2004

Se Bush ganhar

Uma das consequências da eventual recondução de Bush na Casa Branca seria, dentro em breve, uma maioria ultra-conservadora no Supremo Tribunal dos Estados Unidos, com a subsequente mudança de jurisprudência em questões decisivas como a despenalização do aborto, a separação entre o Estado e as igrejas, a defesa do ambiente, a licitude da "acção positiva" em favor dos afro-americanos e outras minorias étnicas, os direitos dos homossexuais, etc.
Vale a pena ler este texto publicado no Guardian de Londres, a começar por este excerto:
«In 2000, Bush said his favourite supreme court justices were the ultraconservatives, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. If he named four more in their image, giving them a majority on the court, then the face of modern America could be changed within a few years.
Such a bench would no longer deem abortion a constitutional right; it would allow individual states to ban it, which they would do, across swathes of the country. If past Scalia-Thomas decisions are any guide, laws on everything from clean air to access for the disabled, affirmative action for ethnic minorities to gay rights would all be struck down. (When the supreme court last year heard the case of a gay man arrested for having sex in his own home, Scalia and Thomas sided against the man and with the police.) Crucially, Thomas has argued that the Constitution's ban on established religion might not apply to the individual states.»