Acabo de ver na TV Paulo Rangel a agitar um papel para contestar Vital Moreira e negar que o Relatório Lamassoure aponte a possibilidade de se criar um "imposto europeu".
Paulo Rangel persiste na argumentação impostora.
Aqui fica o link para o texto integral do Relatório Lamassoure.
E aqui fica a transcrição de 3 dos parágrafos que explicam que em causa estão, de facto, várias possibilidades de recorrer a "impostos europeus" para a UE se dotar de recursos próprios, de acordo com os principios do Tratado de Roma.
"37. Reiterates that, in contacts with the national parliaments of the Member States, many have considered that the time for a new European tax has not yet come in the short term; underlines, however, that this does not rule out the possibility that, if and when Member States decide to levy new taxes, they could at the same time, or at a later stage, decide to authorise the Union to benefit directly from such new taxes;
38. Stresses, however, that it will be vital in a second phase to examine the creation of a new system of own resources based on a tax already levied in the Member States, the idea being that this tax, partly or in full, would be fed directly into the EU budget as a genuine own resource, thus establishing a direct link between the Union and European taxpayers; points out that this would also serve to approximate national tax laws; underlines that this kind of solution would only mark a return to the principle laid down by the Treaty of Rome, whereby European expenditure has to be financed by European own resources;
40. Notes that in the discussions in the European Parliament other possible avenues were also explored such as:
taxes on dealings in securities
taxes on transport or telecommunications services
income tax
withholding tax on interest
ECB profits (seigniorage)
taxes on currency transactions
taxes on savings
taxes on financial transactions;"